Kurt's Octave Assignment

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Useful Octave Templates

Fourier Series
clf;            %Clear Figure
t=0:.01:10;     %Limits of the graph
T=2*pi          %Definition of the period
M=1000          %Number of iterations to undergo
sum1=0;         %Initialize the sum to 0
%----------FOURIER SERIES----------% for m=1:1:M, %For m=1, increment by 1 until you get to M if(m!=0) sum1 = sum1 + ((2/(pi*m))-(2/(pi*m))*cos(m*pi))*sin(m*2*pi/T*t); end end
%---------------PLOT---------------% plot(t,real(sum1),'b-') title('Fourier Series Representation of a Wave') xlabel('time (seconds)') ylabel('Function') grid on;
legend(num2str(M) ' terms ') print("squarewave.png","-dpng")  % Prints the plot to a png file called squarewave.png