2017 VNA Testing Software Setup

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This page describes how to set up an environment for testing the 2017 VNA Electronics II class project.

Code Composer Studio

Download Code Composer Studio version 7.1 (CCSv7) or later. Version 6.2 doesn't work with Energia version 18, which is what the software uses. Install CCSv7. Then download and install Energia. Then open the energia application, and go to the Tools-Board->Boards Manager menu. Download the code for the red MSP432 Launchpad. In CCSv7 use the menu Projects->New Energia Sketch to make a new Energia project. You will have to tell it where you installed the energia program. You can then add the files: from github to your project. They are: vna_2017.ino, MultiTaskSerial.ino, adc14vna.c, adc14vna.h, DynamicCommandParser.c, DynamicCommandParser.h, si5351.cpp, si5351.h, quadrature.cpp and quadrature.h by right clicking on the project, and selecting the Add Files pop up menu. You also need to go the Build Settings->General and select the Products Tab. In this tab select SimpleLink MSP432 SDK. You will also likely have to go to the Directories, and add the directories that contain the driverlib header files. Mine looks like this: Ccsv7 directories.png You should now be able to compile and flash the program.

Gnu Octave

Download Gnu Octave. Then fire up octave, and in the octave command window execute:

>> pkg install -forge instrument-control

This will download and install the instrument-control package which contains the serial port software. Here is a program that will use the "TIME" command to get a 128 point sample of what the analog to digital converters are measuring at a frequency, fMin.

% VNA 2017 test script.
% This script tests the TIME command, which is meant to get the analyzer
% to make a measurement at one frequency, and instead of downsampling to DC,
% it just sends the data back in the variable, "voltage".
% Rob Frohne, May 2017.

clc; clear;

fMin = 1e6;
fMax = 1e6;
nFreq = 1;

Sum = zeros(nFreq,2);
% Load the package
pkg load instrument-control
% Check if serial support exists
if (exist("serial") != 3)
  disp("No Serial Support");
% Instantiate the Serial Port
% Naturally, set the COM port # to match your device
% Use this crazy notation for any COM port number: 1 - 255
%s1 = serial("/dev/pts/2");
s1 = serial("/tmp/ttyDUMMY"); % $ interceptty /dev/ttyACM0 /tmp/ttyDUMMY
pause(1); % Wait a second as it takes some ports a while to wake up
% Set the port parameters
set(s1,'baudrate', 115200);
set(s1,'bytesize', 8);
set(s1,'parity', 'n');
set(s1,'stopbits', 1);
set(s1,'timeout', 255); % 12.3 Seconds as an example here
% Optional commands, these can be 'on' or 'off'
%set(s1, 'requesttosend', 'on');
 % Sets the RTS line
%set(s1, 'dataterminalready', 'on'); % Sets the DTR line
% Optional - Flush input and output buffers
string_to_send = strcat("Testing! ^TIME,",num2str(uint64(fMin)),"$\n")
for i=1:128
  voltage(i,:) = str2num(ReadToTermination(s1, 10));
  %String = ReadToTermination(s1,10)
% Finally, Close the port

Note: you need to modify this for your COM or serial port identifier.

Serial Port Monitor

On Linux, I use interceptty. This program connects between the host program (octave in this case) and the MSP432. It allows you to monitor all the traffic each way between the two. You invoke it with:

$ interceptty /dev/ttyACM0 /tmp/ttyDUMMY

On OS X, I found this serial port tool that looks like it should work in a similar way. On Windows, Google pointed to to Free Serial Analyzer. I don't know how well these work, but I'm sure you will find others if they don't work well.